Simulation, Synthetic Environment
Applied Technology Specialist
About Simutec Systems
Simutec Systems is an applied technology company principally engaged within the Defence, Aerospace, Security & Energy sectors.
Established in 2000, Simutec Systems are Simulation, Synthetic Environment and Visualisation specialists providing products and services to our clients. The technical performance, agility and responsiveness of our offerings are enabled by an internally developed set of core capabilities including software libraries, simulation applications, visualisation and integration tools.
Simutec Systems is based around multi-disciplinary team combining scientific, engineering, and artistic talent to produce functional systems that meet client demands. Core skill disciplines include systems integration, software development, mechanical & electronic design, machine building and 3D modelling.
Client engagement activities include capability provision, technical support, bespoke development, research, experimentation, education and training.
Examples Of What We Do
Reconfigurable multi-channel 2D Situational Awareness display system for synthetic environments.
CQB Trainer
Close Quarter Battle trainer using laser projecting weapons, synthetic targets and team tracking.
Reconfigurable multi-channel 3D Situational Awareness display system for synthetic environments.
Drilling Event Analyser
Drilling Rig Event Log visualisation tool.
Borehole log visualisation and analysis tool.
Oil and gas field visualisation and analysis tool.
Visual tool to assist in training related to equipment, procedures and collaborative working environments.
Research - SE Costing Project
Development of a cost estimating system driven by technical requirements for simulation based systems.
Terrain Development
Development and/or modification of correlated terrain datasets in industry standard formats including mapping and metadata products.
3D Models Development
Creation of bespoke 3D models in industry standard formats to customer requirements.
Research - Disadvantaged Networks
Exploring the use of low-bandwith, high-latency network links within synthetic environments.
Research - Entity Tracking
Mesh networked, real-time tracking devices of personnel and vehicles within live training environments.
Distributed simulation monitoring and analysis tool for use in DIS and HLAe based synthetic environments.
Development library providing communications simulation for synthetic environments.
Fully featured, distributed ISTAR Hub for use in live and synthetic training environments.
Video Wall
Scalable software based video distribution system for creating video walls, managing digital signage or providing classroom display systems.
Machine Building
Bespoke machine development for uses such as materials handling, reliability testing & access control.
Reconfigurable multi-channel general purpose communications simulation for synthetic environments.
Replica Weapons
Instrumented replica weapons incorporating laser projectors for training & experimentation.
Communications realtime analysis suite.
Agent based entity simulation for creating complex environments.
3D Model Library
Comprehensive off-the-shelf models in industry standard formats.
Customisable, multi vehicle, UAV virtual simulation with flight, mission and sensor management features..
Computer generated forces constructive simulation for populating synthetic environments.
Generic Vehicle Simulations
A range of customisable virtual simulations representing ground, rotary-wing and fixed-wing platforms.
Multi-channel visualisation engine.
Realtime viewer for 3D models and terrain databases.
SNETRadio Hardware
A range of dedicated hardware radio solutions.
Headset & Equipment Interfaces
A range of gateway adapters for interfacing with military and civilian aviation headsets and supplementary equipment.
System specific radio simulations for use in synthetic environments.
Sensor, situational awareness and communications modelling and analysis framework.
Software Development
Design & development of software components and systems to meet client requirements.
Systems Integration
Integration of software and hardware components.
Red Teaming
Draw upon Simutec Systems' experience to analyse and challenge your concepts & designs.
Reliablity Trials
Mechanical and electrical reliability testing of mission critical man machine interfaces & systems.
A range of interface hardware and systems for bridging between real communications systems and their simulation counterparts.
Education & Training
Tailored courses on simulation and synthetic environment subjects.
Synthetic environment and simulation based experimentation design, development & execution.
Simulator Support
Development, integration and update of new & legacy simulation systems, components and instructor operating stations.
A380 Communications Trainer
Hardware based simulation of internal crew communication subsystem on A380 aircraft.
Composable Simulation Architecture
Demonstration of distributed simulation service functions providing capabilities to disparate simulator clients.
Visualisation of Research Outputs
Development of a custom visualisation system for exploring correlated communications, situational awareness and workload datasets.
Simulator Displays
Cockpit, external window and door view infrastructure for aircrew evacuation trainers.
Dataset Conversions
Development of custom ARINC encoded dataset conversion and visualisation tools to support legacy system upgrades.
Simulator Control Software
Development of simulation control software for an A380 cabin crew trainer providing emulation of aircraft sub-system behaviour fused with instructor controlled failure and safety critical functions.
Want to know more? Then please contact us...

Simutec Systems Ltd
8 Millow
SG18 8RH
T +44 (0)1767 601 268
F +44 (0)1767 601 272
E contact@simutecsystems.com
Company Registration Number
VAT Registration Number
GB 745 9619 87